If anyone is interested, this is the site I maintain for my official work website. It is a google site and it takes some getting used to, but it's a great program. It's just like google docs and you can set it so that other people can edit it as well as view it. I recently created a penguin site for my whole team to collaborate on. That one is a work in progress, but a work that we all do together!
I use Google Sites daily. Not only do I have the site for our class, but I have a site for all the classes I teach. I also create Google Sites just to store information. In addition, last year I created my annual Faculty Report with Google Sites instead of old standby Word Doc. When I sent the link to the Dean for her to review my annual work, she wrote back to say I was "way ahead," implying others should use websites to set up e-portfolios. Although the navigation (sidebar tabs and so forth) take some getting used to, the rest of Google Sites works pretty much like word processing and other programs, so I find it relatively easy to use. However, I did have a bit of a learning curve at the beginning. Once, one gets over that, Google Sites is amazing. I just wish I could get more people to adopt it. Glad you and the teachers in your school are using it. Please show your site in class when we do a Show and Tell, hopefully this week, and explain how you use it. I think most people in our class will find Weebly easier to use, and this tool for creating websites will be an in-class activity. Until people get better with Blogger, I don't think it is worth the time in our 8-week course to intro Google Sites. However, one can get up and running with Weebly in less than an hour and have a site ready to go.