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This article offers some simple ideas for using technology with first graders without the need for individual internet enabled devices on a daily basis.
Kelly- I worry about that, too. Technology is an amazing tool but it is in no way a replacement for good parenting... or teaching for that matter! I hate when I hear people say that 20 years from now we will all be replaced by computers and teachers will be extinct. There is no way a computer can provide the encouragement, nurturing, etc. we do. Nothing will ever be as beneficial as a passionate and responsible teacher!
Kelly- I worry about that, too. Technology is an amazing tool but it is in no way a replacement for good parenting... or teaching for that matter! I hate when I hear people say that 20 years from now we will all be replaced by computers and teachers will be extinct. There is no way a computer can provide the encouragement, nurturing, etc. we do. Nothing will ever be as beneficial as a passionate and responsible teacher!